Tuesday, January 23, 2007

SATCOS Seeks Panelists For Various Surveys

January 23, 2007

With the launch of SATCOS we published four initial surveys for some basic information relating to satellite radio subscribers. We would greatly appreciate readers participating in these surveys, as your honest input could help define actions relating to this sector (surveys can be accessed in the sidebar under archives or simply by scrolling down). In addition to fully published surveys, SATCOS will from time to time offer commissioned surveys where your input could be financially rewarded.

SATCOS empaneled participants will be screened for acceptance into a particular survey. Those that meet the criteria of the commission will be e-mailed a link to s survey or asked their opinions on various subject matter. rewards for participation will vary depending on the length of the survey, but at all times, potential rewards will be disclosed prior to your participation.

Commissioned surveys will help specific companies, retailers, advertisers, etc. better understand the satellite radio marketplace, and by extension make your satellite radio experience better. Some commissioned surveys will have their results posted on SATCOS, while others may not. The determination for public release of surveys is at the discretion of the entity commissioning the survey.

SATCOS values the privacy of those that participate in any of our surveys. All personal information, inclusive of contact information, we collect will not be distributed to any outside party. If a commissioned survey does request any contact information on behalf of the commissioning entity it will be clearly identified, and the panelist will have the opportunity participate without SATCOS divulging any personal or contact information if they so choose.

SATCOS has a goal of being a stage where the satellite radio consumer can let their views and opinions be shared.

If you have interest in becoming a panelist, please e-mail us at satcossurvey@gmail.com . Upon collection of enough panelists we will forward a brief background survey so as to properly match you with future surveys.

We are very excited about launching SATCOS, and hope that you, the satellite radio consumer, feel the same.